Employment law is important in every business regardless of the type or size. These laws protect both your interests and those of your employees. Betsy Larson business law firm provides legal services for growing businesses in Lakeville, Minnesota. In this article, we try to help you understand some of the employment laws and why they are important.
Employee Agreements
An employee agreement is a legal document used to define the relationship between an employer and an employee. It lays out each person’s responsibilities, obligations, and rights for the period of the employment. Some of the key terms in an employee agreement include the salary, work schedule, benefits, restriction on confidential information, and vacation allotment. Both the employer and the employee need to acknowledge and sign the agreement for it to be valid. At Betsy Larson business law firm, we provide small business with legal services and can help you draft your employee agreement.
Terms of Contract
Terms of contract are categorized into three types; innominate terms, conditions, and warranties. If a condition in a contract is violated, the aggrieved party has the right to affirm the contract. If a warranty, on the other hand, is breached, the aggrieved party can only claim damages. Innominate terms are in between conditions and warranties. The right to terminate the contract is dependent on the effect of the breach on the aggrieved party. If the effects are not substantial, then the aggrieved party can only claim damages. A legal advisor from Betsy Larson law can help you determine what terms best suit your contract. In case a contract is breached, contact a business lawyer to help you determine your next step.
Social Media Policy
A social media policy outlines how employees in an organization should conduct themselves online. It helps employees share the company’s message responsibly and protect its brand. Social media policies need to be updated frequently to ensure that they remain relevant since social media is always changing.
Non-compete Agreements
Non-compete agreements are contracts that stipulate that an employee should not start or enter into a profession that is in competition with that of the employer. The purpose of a non-compete agreement is usually to prevent an ex-employee from taking advantage of the knowledge gained from the employer’s company in a similar company after termination. Such information may include marketing strategies, client lists, upcoming products, and business practices.
Everyone who has a business, even if it is just a startup, needs an estate planning attorney to advise them on future possibilities. At Betsy Larson business law firm, we have highly experienced lawyers to help you in every aspect of your business as you grow. Estate business services and business legal services are just some of the services we offer. Contact us today through our website and let us handle your legal affairs.